Sunday 29 April 2012

Race Day 2 - Shakespeare Marathon (Stratford-upon-Avon)

So it's marathon time again! This weekend was the Shakespeare Marathon in Stratford-upon-Avon, or at least it was supposed to be! Saturday was a nice relaxing day with Gina and Louis on the farm, capped off with a cracking pasta dinner prepared by Mr White, a movie (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - idea what that film is about!) and an early night. I was woken around 1am by the wind and rain outside and spent the rest of the night worrying about what would happen if the marathon was called off. I had several dreams about running round the farm for 26 miles so when 6am came the question was whether the Shakespeare Marathon was "To be, or not to be".

The latest update on the website said the race was still on despite the freezing temperatures, heavy rain, and 50mph winds. Unfortunately as we were crossing the start line of the race it was announced that the full marathon had been called off as the link between the half and full races had been flooded. So, I joined the rest of the half marathon runners for 13.1 miles of narrow, flooded road, hills, rain, hail, rain, wind, rain, blood, sweat, mud , rain and some more wind for good measure. Within a couple of miles I was so cold and wet that I couldn't open the bottle cap on my water, retrieve a gel from my pocket or feel my face! Some of the lowlights were running up hill and into the wind from miles 8-10 and then on the green-way from miles 10-13 which was under about 6 inches of water. It's funny how people can be as wet as it's physically possible to be and still try to avoid "puddles" on a road that is completely flooded! On the other hand some of the highlight included the organizers still trying to hand out wet sponges to cool you down, a guy who ran like Phoebe from friends and another guy who did a great horse impression when out of breath. "For the rain it raineth every day"! 

13.1 soaked, muddied miles later. 1.5 marathons done!

A well earned medal!

So cold I couldn't drink a cup of tea without help!

So, after a couple of the wettest and most miserable hours of my life I was left with a dilemma. The challenge is 10 marathons in 10 weeks, not 9.5 marathons! After a warm up, a cup of tea, a flapjack and a change of clothes in the leisure centre I managed to persuade the gym to sign me up and let me complete the rest of the marathon on a treadmill. I HATE treadmill running but in comparison to the weather outside it didn't seem like such a bad alternative! Unfortunately the weather wasn't getting any better and there were several power cuts during the run. It turns out that treadmills stop pretty quickly when there's no power! However, after another hour and fifty minutes and a visit from my wonderful godmother to cheer me on the second half of the marathon was complete in a total time of around 3hrs and 37 mins :-) 

All set for half marathon #2!

1x Stratford-upon-Avon gym membership! I'm sure that'll come in handy!

A massive thank you to Aunt Lainey for coming along to the gym after her sermon to offer her support and make sure I was OK. Also to Gina and Louis for looking after me for the weekend, supporting me on a thoroughly miserable day and getting well and truly soaked in the process! "When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain"? Finally, congrats to Chris for a very respectable half marathon finish, well done mate!

Another massive thank you to everyone for the continuing donations. The grand total now stands at £4,310.00!

Well, I've run out of Shakespeare quotes so guess all that's left to say is "Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow" (turns out I had one more), or more accurately til it be next Sunday, Race day 3 and the Three Forts Marathon. Let's hope for better weather next week! To be fair it was probably my own fault for packing sun tan lotion after getting burnt last week :-)

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