Monday 23 April 2012

Race Day 1 - London Marathon

So 14 weeks of hard training and 14 days of harder sobriety culminated with the first of 10 marathons on Sunday and a pretty good start with a time of 3:27:12, a PB by 21 minutes and 12 seconds.

I've run quite a few marathons over the last couple of years, including a few big city races but nothing can come close to the level of support yesterday. Tens of thousands of people cheering on runners they've never met for hours really is amazing!

So...what have I learnt from Marathon #1?

1. Scottish blood + 15C x 4 hours = VESTBURN! OUCH!

2. Having to look at the backside of an old man wearing a mankini is enough to make anyone run faster!

3. Over 8 miles I am about as fast as an apple!

4. Mental arithmetic is impossible after about 15 miles. I calculated that I went from running eight minutes miles to 16 minute miles and was so convinced that it was right that I spend the next four miles trying to make the time up again before realizing how wrong my maths was! Unsurprisingly this resulted in my fastest 4 miles of the entire race!

5. Despite malicious rumours circulated by Madi, Foggo is not as effective as hot tottie when it comes to dragging you round the course with a nice view ;-)

6. Miles 20-26 are TOUGH! Not sure if the pic below is big enough to show the pain on my face but I assure you it was hurting!

7. When you go 14 days without a drink and then run a marathon, by the end everything starts to look like a beer!

8. Drinking a pint for each of the 26 miles isn't a good idea!

The old legs are feeling OK today so back to training tomorrow night and preparation for Marathon #2, the Shakespeare Marathon in Stratford-upon-Avon. Will see how I'm feeling at the end of the week and then make a decision about whether I think I might be able to beat this weekends time.

I have to say a massive thank you to my wee sis for coming all the way down from Glasgow to look after and support me, Mads, Lotte and Mike from the Link team and Mo, Emma, Monika & Josh for their support during the race! It really does make a massive difference having a friendly face on the sidelines cheering you on! A big thanks to everyone else for their best wishes and continued support, it really is much appreciated! Also a massive congratulations to everyone else who was running the marathon yesterday.

The fundraising grand total now stands at an amazing £4,097.50. Yet another massive thank you to everyone for their continuing kind donations!

Finally, condolences to the family of Claire Squires who collapsed and died in the last mile of the marathon yesterday. Such a tragic thing to happen! Good to see the British public responding in the best way possible though with over £144,000 now donated to The Samaritans who she was raising money for.

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